Speyside Distilling Malt
This malt stands true to the founding principles of the Bairds family and is made from the finest two-row spring distilling barley. A low protein, high extract and high fermentability premium malt that is grown by a few hand selected farmers utilising generations of malting barley growing knowledge.
Our Heritage Distilling Malt product allows us to trace back to the exact farm from which the malt product originated, for a malt of true character and provenance.
Malt Analysis
Moisture: 4.5% max
Extract (0.7/0.2mm), dry: 306 LDK min
Colour (EBC/SRM Units): 1.5 – 2.0 °EBC
Total Nitrogen/Protein, dry: 1.7% max
SNR / KI/ ST Ratio: 38.0 – 42.0
Diastatic Power: 60 IoB min
Moisture: 4.5% max
Extract (0.7/0.2mm), dry: 80.8% min
Colour (EBC/SRM Units): 2.0 – 3.0 °EBC
Total Nitrogen/Protein, dry: 9.5% max
SNR / KI/ ST Ratio: 38.0 – 42.0
Diastatic Power: 215 WK min
Moisture: 4.5% max
Extract (0.7/0.2mm), dry: 81.5% min
Colour (EBC/SRM Units): 1.5 – 2.0 °SRM
Total Nitrogen/Protein, dry: 9.5% max
SNR / KI/ ST Ratio: 38.0 – 42.0
Diastatic Power: 45 °L min
Malt details
Suggested Use: All-purpose base malt for all styles of beer
Flavour profile: Sweet, crisp, slightly earthy
Inclusion rate: Up to 100%
Order options: 1 tonne tote, 500kg tote, 25kg bags
get in touch with us
Our malts are available around the world through our sister companies or exclusive distribution partners.
If you would like to order from our range of malts please fill in this form and one of our team will be in contact to help find your local Bairds partner.