Extra Pale Ale Malt

Bairds Extra Pale Ale Malt is a new brewer’s malt developed exclusively for Loughran Brewers Select. Crafted by our Maltsters to meet the exact needs of modern craft beer brewers, Extra Pale Ale Malt has an exceptionally low colour rating that sits below lager, making it the perfect malt for a range of beer styles including XPAs, Pales, IPAs and Blondes, and particularly ideally suited to producing hoppy and dank hazy beers.

Bairds Extra Pale Ale Malt is produced in Witham, Essex.


Malt Analysis

Moisture: 4.0% max

Extract (0.7/0.2mm), dry: 308 LDK min

Colour (EBC/SRM Units): 2.0 – 4.0 °EBC

Total Nitrogen/Protein, dry: 1.65% max
SNR / KI/ ST Ratio: 36.0 – 42.0

Diastatic Power: 40 IoB min

Moisture: 4.0% max

Extract (0.7/0.2mm), dry: 80.0% min

Colour (EBC/SRM Units): 2.5 – 4.4 °EBC

Total Nitrogen/Protein, dry: 1.80% max
SNR / KI/ ST Ratio: 40.0 – 45.0

Diastatic Power: 140 WK min

Moisture: 4.0% max

Extract (0.7/0.2mm), dry: 80.0% min

Colour (EBC/SRM Units): 1.0 – 2.0 °SRM

Total Nitrogen/Protein, dry: 11.3% max
SNR / KI/ ST Ratio: 40.0 – 45.0

Diastatic Power: 45 °L min

Malt details

Suggested Use: Well suited to modern pale ale beers and IPAs

Flavour profile: Imparts a golden colour and rich malty flavour notes.

Inclusion rate: Up to 100%

Order options: 1 tonne tote, 500kg tote, 25kg bags

get in touch with us

Our malts are available around the world through our sister companies or exclusive distribution partners.

If you would like to order from our range of malts please fill in this form and one of our team will be in contact to help find your local Bairds partner.

Base MaltsExtra Pale Ale malt